Honest1 Auto Care Spring Hill SARS-2 COVID-19 Limited exposure procedure
Did you know auto repair and maintenance services can be contact-free ?
Below are the steps H-1 Spring Hill is taking to protect you and others in the community.
- Call us to schedule an appointment for service at 615-392-3376
- Park your car in any parking space located on the property
- We have a dropbox, please fill out the form, sign the authorization so we have permission to check out your car, and drop the form and keys in the dropbox.
- No need to come inside, we will obtain your keys and give you a call on the phone to clarify what you need to be done. We can also communicate via email or text.
- We utilize an electronic inspection system that allows us to document all information concerning your car, we will include pictures and notes to help clarify any issues
- We will send you a report via email or text. Once you receive the information, take your time to review the information we have sent you. We can then discuss the information on the phone and together develop the best way to address any questions you may have.
- We will complete all work you have approved and contact you via phone, text, or email. Upon completion, we can send you an invoice to review and we can accept payment over the phone or via text.
- Once work is complete, we will sanitize your vehicle and keys. Your keys will be placed in a locked key pick up box outside the front doors of our building. We will provide you with a unique code so only you can access your keys. We will park your car in one of our open parking spots and you can pick up your car at any time.
This protocol allows you the opportunity to drop off your car, communicate all aspects of service, including electronic inspection videos, pictures, and information. You can also make payments electronically and pick up your vehicle without ever passing through the front doors of our facility. This is the best way to limit your exposure to any potential risk associated with having your car serviced. This protocol is available to all our customers and when combined with our clean facilities, routine hand washing, and use of hand sanitizer will significantly reduce any risks to your health.